:: Judge: USTV  Game: Naval  Variant: Ancient_Med Gunboat
:: Deadline: S0001M Tue Nov 11 2003 23:30:00 -0700  

Game 'naval' order #001 (S0001M) has a deadline of Tue Nov 11 2003 23:30:00 -0700.
The earliest orders will be processed is Sun Jan 05 2003 00:26:18 -0700.
One or more players have not gotten their orders in.
One or more players have requested that orders not be processed
until the deadline.
Those who haven't gotten their orders in will be abandoned if nothing
is received by Thu Nov 13 2003 23:30:00 -0700.

The parameters for 'naval' are as follows:
  Move    clock 1410 min 12.00 next 120.00 grace  48.00 delay 0.50 days -mTWTF-
  Retreat clock   -1 min  0.00 next  23.00 grace  48.00 delay 0.50 days -mTWTF-
  Adjust  clock   -1 min  0.00 next  23.00 grace  48.00 delay 0.50 days -mTWTF-
   Access:  Any-site, Level: Any, Moderated, Dedication: -1.
  Variant:  Ancient_Med, Gunboat.
    Flags:  NoNMR, NoReveal, NoProxy, DIAS.
   xFlags:  HomeCentres, NoResume, Concessions, Duality, Max Absence: 15.
    Press:  White, Partial Allowed, No Fake.
  Power Assignments: By Preference List Only.
  Winning Centers: 18.
    Index:  0  


This game is a test game for a new variant called Modern Naval
Diplomacy. It is a five player, naval only, information warfare variant.
It is blind, which means hand adjucated by me and uses things like
submarines and satellites. The judge will only be used for press. THIS
GAME IS NOT ANCIENT_MED and not played on that map, but on a new map.
Ancient has five players, that's why I'm using that variant as a
template for press.

You can find out more about the variant/map/rules at
With questions you can email me anytime: [email protected]

I plan to have weekday deadlines every other or third day if possible.
The variant has three moves between builds, so the rhythm is slightly

Again, it is a test game. Anyone is welcome to play, but I highly
appreciate players who plan to meet deadlines as I cannot enforce
dedication points on this one. I'd like to see how the variant plays out
and have fun gm-ing it. If you check out the website, please let me know
what you thought of it and the explanation of the rules, even if you
decide not to play.



The following players are signed up for game 'naval':
   Master                          [email protected]
   Carthage   move                 someone@somewhere
   Egypt      move                 someone@somewhere
   Greece     move                 someone@somewhere
   Persia     move                 someone@somewhere
   Rome       abandon              someone@somewhere
   Observer                        someone@somewhere

Status of the Movement phase for Spring of 1.  (naval.001)

Carthage: Army Cirta.
Carthage: Army Carthage.
Carthage: Fleet Thapsus.

Egypt:    Army Memphis.
Egypt:    Army Thebes.
Egypt:    Fleet Alexandria.

Greece:   Army Macedonia.
Greece:   Army Athens.
Greece:   Fleet Sparta.

Persia:   Army Damascus.
Persia:   Army Antioch.
Persia:   Fleet Sidon.

Rome:     Army Ravenna.
Rome:     Army Roma.
Rome:     Fleet Neapolis.

Ownership of supply centers:

Egypt:     Alexandria, Memphis, Thebes.
Persia:    Antioch, Damascus, Sidon.
Carthage:  Carthage, Cirta, Thapsus.
Rome:      Neapolis, Ravenna, Roma.
Greece:    Athens, Macedonia, Sparta.
Unowned:   Baleares, Byzantium, Chersonesus, Crete, Cyprus, Cyrene, Dalmatia,
           Jerusalem, Leptis, Massilia, Miletus, Numidia, Petra, Saguntum,
           Sardinia, Sicilia, Sinope, Tyre, Vindobona.

Egypt:     3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Persia:    3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Carthage:  3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rome:      3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.  (* ABANDONED *)
Greece:    3 Supply centers,  3 Units:  Builds   0 units.